42 - Inductors

The inductor is the final member of the great trio that is the resistor, capacitor and the inductor in circuits. Like the other two, it is practically used everywhere.

If the capacitor stores energy in the electric field between two plates, the inductor stores the energy in the form of a magnetic field in tits coils. Despite this, Inductors aren't primarily used as storage devices, but rather as filters and chokes, because inductors have the ability to suppress changes in the current flowing through them. This happens due to a phenomena called self-inductance.

When a current passes through a single loop of the conductor it produces a magnetic field around it and so there is mutual inductance from the other loop. These loops are part of the same inductor which explains self-inductance, or just


Continuation of the above sentence. It is the ability of an inductor to oppose a change in current and is denoted by the letter , measured in Henry, ().
This inductance increases with the number of loops in the coil, since the magnetic field will have more loops to interact with.
The most commonly used symbol for an inductor is a spiral
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